The year,Yokohama has big art festival. the name is Yokohama Triennale from 4th Aug to 5th Nov.
The title is “Islands,Constellations$Galapagos”.I don’t know the mean.
But so many famous artists exhibit their works.
And one of relation program, our ex-night staff exhibits his works.
His name is Taro Yasuno. He is crazy man in a good way. He is a musician and artist.
His work’s title is “ZOMBIE MUSIC”!!
If you see the his website, you might find the mean.
1st-3rd Sep,You will see the live performance in BankART NYK.
横浜のゲストハウス マンスリーマンション ヨコハマホステルヴィレッジ
The oldest established guesthouse in yokohama – Yokohama hostel village –